Pasta Like a Pro

Group Pasta Making Workshops.

Though chefs are accustomed to the solitude and privacy of their kitchen, I really enjoy sharing my passion with a group of food enthusiasts. Group pasta-making workshops - Pasta Like a Pro - are a great way to have hands-on instruction of a light meal and dessert. Pasta Like a Pro is presented by Chef Laurie Boucher and me, in a small group setting at various locations across the Eastern Shore. To find a workshop - click the Schedule of Events button and sign up.

If you’re more adventurous and want to customize a workshop - click “Schedule Your Own Event” and we’ll work together to create a wonderful event.

What to expect: workshops are limited to 12 participants, instruction will demonstrate pasta-making using ordinary kitchen tools, you will shape your own pasta, add a sauce and be treated to a “Family Style” meal featuring the pasta you just made.

Come learn how to make Pasta Like a Pro!

What to expect…

  • Workshops focus on Southern Italian pasta that requires no eggs or special tools. However we offer Northern Italian egg-based pasta (fettucine, tagliatelli, etc.) and stuffed pasta (tortellini, ravioli, etc.) Click “Schedule Your Own Event” and we’ll customize a workshop for you.